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EOC is seeking a Secretary and Treasurer
EOC is seeking a Secretary and Treasurer. If you are interested please contact David Stewart at [email protected].

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«<March 2015>»

September 2014 EOC EOC Work Party Report Print

Sept. 20-21 A small but dedicated group of members met over the weekend to make improvements at the Club.
Rob Godfrey donated & delivered loam earlier in the week to level the ground around the flagpole. Dave Stewart & Arnie Koch did the shovel work and raking.
Arnie also built the doors for the covered shooting shed and cut the grass. Tim Sample dropped by and worked on the benches in the shooting shed. Meanwhile Brian Cavanaugh stained the picnic tables. Dave Stewart stained the shooting benches and primed the new doors. Jason Goulette came with a weed whip and spent 3 hours mowing the high weeds down. Jon Colburn and Mike Ibey brought chainsaws and cut some trees and brush to make room for the picnic tables. Jeff Wilkinson came with his cousin Jason and hauled brush cut by Mike & Jon. Jeff also assessed the outdoor lighting & electrical situation with plans to add motion detection to the system. This will enhance safety and security at the Club.
Tom Bircher returned on Sunday to continue cutting & splitting the pile of logs on the range, looking good and we won’t freeze at meetings this winter.
Quite a lot was accomplished with the members present. It’s amazing how much can get done with just a few dedicated folks.

If you have some time to put in to improve your Club, contact David Stewart eocdavidstewart@comcast or 632-7731

We still have a leak around the stovepipe, painting on the Clubhouse and carpentry in the shooting shed, among other things.
The Town of Enfield delivered several loads of woodchips that will need to be spread with a tractor. If you have a tractor and can do this, again contact D. Stewart

Thanks to all who showed up to improve our Club. Well done!

David L. Stewart

September 2014 EOC Work Party Weekend Print

Attention Members: EOC will be hosting a Fall clean up and project weekend. Saturday is the primary day, 8:30AM to 4PM, with Sunday being mop-up day. If you plan being there Sunday instead of Saturday, please contact the President to coordinate.

If there is a project that you can contribute to, but cannot make this weekend, please let us know.

There are many projects that need to be done, which have various time commitments and skill.

Weed Whacking
Tree Trimming
Painting Clubhouse
Coat of stain on picnic table
Coat of stain on shooting benches
Paint meeting tables inside clubhouse
Fix leak on stove pipe
Build fire pit
Finish target room
Skylight/roofing above target room needs fixed
Clean inside clubhouse
Install culvert
Barrier where dirt has been placed (retaining wall) near edge of berm
Step by front door of clubhouse
Sound System
Exterior Motion detection flood lights
Property posting
Fill around flagpole
New electric stove
Please contact Dave Stewart with any questions or to RSVP: [email protected]

We would consider it progress if we could cross off some of these things!
Thank you

Enfield Outing Club thanks Massad Ayoob Print
The Enfield Outing Club thanks Massad Ayoob for once again bringing his MAG40 course to the Club. The course was held Aug.14-17, 2014, and was attended by 16 students which included EOC members. We are both proud and pleased to host this preeminent instructor and his staff as well as the students who attended. For more information on the Massad Ayoob Group and schedule of classes go to

2014 Enfield Outing Club Yard Sale Thanks Print
The Enfield Outing Club’s Annual Yard Sale was a huge success and a lot of fun. The EOC net profit was $1783.00

On behalf of the EOC I would like to thank first all the generous folks who donated so many good quality items, many new or barely used and an eclectic mix at that. There was truly something for everybody. I would like to thank the many, many people who came out to rummage through and find some things to take home. We certainly had a lot to pick from. Yard sale customers are an interesting group of folks and it wasn’t hard to see they have a good time hunting for that treasure or needed item and get a bargain on it. I myself had a great time dickering with everybody, seeing neighbors and friends, meeting new folks. It was really nice to hear the support people had for the EOC and I think we recruited some new members.

I would also like to thank the Heritage Commission for their support, accommodation, and putting on a great community event, Old Home Days!
The Enfield Outing Club looks forward to next year and is pleased to be part of the celebration. We had many positive remarks on our participation.

Finally, I’d like to thanks the members of the EOC who made up the Yard Sale Crew. They put in a lot of hours and worked hard all day at the sale.
Thanks guys!

Taking aim,

David Stewart
Yard Sale Manager

EOC Membership Drive Contest – Invite your friends to join EOC! Print
The EOC is having a Membership Drive with a $150.00 prize to the EOC member who brings in the most new members. These new members can be brand new to the club or have been members before. Be sure to put your name on the new member’s form so we can tally the count.The contest is open until the regular club meeting Sept.10, 2014. That’s not much time, so get your shooting friends, or somebody new, to shooting to the next meeting and join EOC! –Dave

2014 June BOD Election Results Print
Please offer your congratulations to Mike Lorrey and Dr. Jerry Theis, the newest members of our Board of Directors. They are replacing Roy Holland and Scott Thompson.

2014 Club Cleanup Weekend Print
There will be a range clean up weekend, June 28th and 29th. The range will be closed for shooting but open for beautifying!

A few of the chores that need to be done:

Grass needs to mowed and weed-wacked,
Shell casings need to be raked and picked up.
Berm needs to be cleaned up; there are many broken solid targets

There are other things that need to be done, so if you have even an hour to come, please do so. More details to follow.

EOC 2014 Annual Yard Sale – July 26 at Huse Park Print
Our annual yard sale will be held Saturday, July 26th at Huse Park in Enfield from 9am – 3pm.

We are seeking items to sell. Members are encouraged to clean out items from their homes, business, or good free stuff on the roadside.

Items can be brought to the EOC upon scheduling with Dave Stewart.

Members are also needed the day of the event, especially in the morning to transport to Huse Park and set up, and afternoon to pick up.

This sale has traditionally brought in $700. – 1100. Your help is needed. Funds are necessary to complete our range project.

Dave Stewart can be contacted at [email protected] or (603) 632-7731 or 304-1077


Taking aim,

David Stewart
[email protected]
(603) 632-7731

More Articles…
The EOC thanks member Scott Thompson
May 14, 2014 Member Meeting to be held at 6PM (1800)
Upper Valley Friend of NRA Banquet – April 2014
March 2014 Meeting Rescheduled to March 19, 2014

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